Dental Crowns and Bridges in Colleyville, TX

Are you missing one or more of your teeth? Are you finding everyday activities such as eating or talking challenging? We at Three Stones Dental are here to help! We are pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry solutions, including dental crowns and bridges, to restore your teeth with seamless results. Your oral health and your beautiful smile are always our top priorities!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that cover the entire visible portions of damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. Dr. Fu provides aesthetic crowns using the highest quality materials. Your new restoration will match the surrounding teeth delivering a seamless smile.

You may require a dental crown to repair a chipped or severely decayed tooth, protect a weak tooth, strengthen a tooth after root canal therapy, hold together a cracked or fractured tooth, or restore one or more missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges. Dental crowns are also used to make aesthetic enhancements, improving the appearance of severely discolored, misshapen, or otherwise imperfect teeth.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic device used to replace one or more neighboring teeth. It is attached to crowns placed on teeth on either side of the gap called abutments. Dental bridges are made from high-quality, natural-looking materials, delivering seamless smiles.

Dental bridges provide numerous benefits. They help maintain your natural facial structure and restore your ability to chew and speak with confidence. They also keep the neighboring teeth from shifting toward the gap, preventing crooked teeth and problems with the bite. Restoring missing teeth with dental bridges lowers the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, uneven tooth wear, and TMJ problems.

Dental Crowns and Bridges in Colleyville, TX

There is no reason to live with painful or missing teeth. Our team at Three Stones Dentistry is here to restore your smile, help you eat all the food you desire, and get you speaking clearly once again. Whether you require a dental crown or bridge, Dr. Fu and his excellent team are here to support your smile every step of the way. We invite you to call 406-800-1196 to schedule an appointment today!