Dentures and Partials in Colleyville, TX

People missing one, or more, or even all of their teeth understand what a challenge that can be. Not only do missing teeth affect your smile and facial contours, but they also interfere with your daily functions. At Three Stones Dentistry, we offer complete and partial dentures to help you chew, speak, and smile with confidence once again!

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable dental appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are made to look like natural teeth and to restore partial function. There are two types of dentures - complete and partial. Complete dentures are recommended when all your teeth are missing, while partial dentures are recommended when some of your natural teeth remain intact.

Complete Dentures - An Overview

A complete or full denture can be either "immediate" or "conventional." 

Immediate Dentures: Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed right after any remaining teeth have been removed, allowing you to walk out of our dental office with your new replacement teeth in place. However, the bone and tissues change in shape during the healing period, so your new dentures may become loose and require adjustments and relining. Immediate dentures are sometimes used as long-term restorations but are usually considered temporary replacements until you are ready for conventional dentures or dental implant prostheses. Dr. Fu will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best solution for your smile.

Conventional Dentures: Conventional dentures are made 3-6 months after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue and bones have healed and changed in shape. Waiting to create your dentures ensures the subtle changes in your mouth and bite are taken into account. Conventional dentals are high-quality, highly durable restorations that are customized for the best fit, comfort, and function. It also needs to be checked and modified periodically to achieve optimum results.

Partial Dentures - An Overview

Removable partial dentures fit between your existing teeth like a puzzle, filling one or more gaps in your smile. They attach to natural teeth using metal or plastic clasps or precision attachments. At Three Stones Dentistry, we offer traditional and more durable partial dentures made of metal and acrylic. We also offer flex partials which are made of a flexible thermoplastic material for superior esthetics and function.

Partial dentures offer numerous benefits. They fill the spaces created by missing teeth and prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting. Wearing a partial denture will enhance your oral health and quality of life.

Dentures and Partials Near Me in Colleyville, TX

Living without teeth can impact your smile and quality of life! At Three Stones Dentistry, we offer cutting-edge, durable dentures and partials to restore your smile's health and function. Dr. Fu will discuss your tooth replacement options and customize a treatment plan to meet your unique needs. Don't let tooth loss hold you back. We invite you to call 406-800-1196 to schedule an appointment today!